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Book Title Year published Characters See Pages…
Miracle at Braxenholm 1911 Ariadne (boat) ix, 11, 28, 29, 74, 90, 93, 99, 174, 180, 346
The Cordillera ? Zarate (concertina player) 117, 138, 295
The Square ? Franzel 70, 75, 88, 95
The Painted Cave 1919 ix, 4, 148, 167, 179, 343
The Santana March ? Jerry Frost vi, vii, 31, 37, 41, 43, 58-59, 101, 114, 349
Triptych of Mirrors ? Hjaarn (industrialist) 145, 182, 269, 334
The Spotted Cat 1924 Priest, Spider God xi, 4, 55, 90
The Black Nineteen 1925 xi, 4, 55, 90
A Hundred Aprils in Amritsar ? 365, 378
The Viper’s Humor ? Dr. Hull 433
Washington & Greene 1929 xi, 163, 365
Hanging the Dead ?
Lopevi 1932 348, 416
The Night Palisades 1934 xi, 247, 378
The Brigade ? 353
Wineblood’s Mine 1939 Hobo Preacher, Big Jurek, Hieronymus Wineblood (Evil Mine Owner) xi, 8, 57, 90, 93, 122, 204, 133-134, 296, 327, 334, 346
The Winged Shoes of Emydio Alves 1942 Emydio Alves, The Viscount, The fifth daughter of the Prince of Santiago vii, xi, xiv, 61, 119, 178, 259, 347, 351, 418, 422
Coriolis 1944 Captain Erasmus, Sunderman (visits the Island of Threefolds), Viktor, Sophia iv, vii, xi, 3, 16-17, 24, 84, 99, 214, 269, 274, 278, 309-310, 351, 440
Ship of Theseus 1949 S, Sola, and many more vii, 18, 28, 67, 70, 126, 149, 167

Miracle at Braxenholm

  • Huge celebration of the city’s first Streetlights in Ch6 (p11)
    Contrasted with the mischievous boys who throw rocks at the streetlights in the Old Quarter
  • Ariadne is the name of a ship (p28)
  • The crew of the Ariadne has “one big party” until “the wreck” (p29)
  • A torn page from Miracle at Braxenholm was on the first Santorini Man in 1936 (p74). EOTVOSWHEEL.COM says the page was from The Black Nineteen.
  • A torn page from the Dutch edition showing pp 153-154 was found on the 10th Santorini Man in May, 1946 on Abaco Island, The Bahamas.
  • A torn page from the Spanish edition showing pp 155-156 was found on a second-wave (the 17th) Santorini Man in Quepos, Costa Rica in April, 1971 (EOTVOSWHEEL.COM).
  • A scene takes place in catacombs (p99)
  • The S symbol first appeared on the title page (p180)
  • Ekstrom helped “a little” in writing (Summersby Confession)

The Cordillera

  • Hemingway supposedly read The Cordillera and wrote a letter to Straka saying he felt they would be simpatico as artists and men (Fn3, p117)
  • The character Zarate played the concertina (p138)
  • There is a slaughterhouse scene (p295)
  • A torn page from the French Edition showing pp 179-180 was found on the second-known Santorini Man in March, 1937 in Shizuoka, Japan.
  • Florence Stoneham-Smith (1904-1983) at age 10 claimed she had written the first two novels attributed to Straka, which included The Cordillera (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).

The Square

  • The character Franzel emerges from Lake Michigan 10 days prior to the Haymarket Square Riot (p70)
  • The phrase They radiate an unmistakable potential – and perhaps even a taste – for violence on p75 of Ship of Theseus is also on p88 of The Square, verbatim.
  • The policeman’s grip on the cudgel on p95 of Ship of Theseus is also shown three different ways in The Square on pages 63, 101, 119.
  • A torn page was found on the third Santorini Man in December, 1937 in Namibe, Angola (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).

The Painted Cave

  • The details of the cave must have come from Amarante Durand, indicating that she and VMS knew each other (ix, 179)
  • The Chapter Down, and Out draws heavily from The Painted Cave (167)
  • The petroglyphs in The Territory resemble images in The Painted Cave (343)
  • The Painted Cave was written by someone with detailed knowledge of archaeological sites in the south of France.
  • The Painted Cave was published shortly after Guthrie MacInnes’s book The Unseen Battalion was published, complicating the idea that MacInnes was Straka (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).
  • A torn page was found on the 8th Santorini Man in April, 1944 in Burnie, Tasmania (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).

The Santana March

  • Appears to have taken place in the Santa Ana mountains (see Fn14 p349 along with the origin of the term santana as meaning Devil).
  • This is the only work of Straka to be made into a movie, and Straka himself disagreed wholeheartedly with the adaptation (see marginalia and insert between p vi & vii. See also comments about Lewis’ Looper causing problems on the set of this movie in his section of the Straka Candidates on EOTVOSWHEEL.com.
  • A torn page from the German Edition showing p89-90 was found on the 12th Santorini Man in July, 1949, in Rio Grande, Brazil.

Triptych of Mirrors

  • It was a study in identity – a study for Ship of Theseus published shortly before FXC began working with VMS (Fn3, p334)
  • It’s deep philosophical underpinnings lend credence to the idea that Guthrie MacInnes was VMS. It is compared with Coriolis and Ship of Theseus (EOTVOSwheel.com and marginalia, p145).
  • A torn page (p9-10) from the German Edition was found on the fourth Santorini Man in April, 1939, in Antofagasta, Chile (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).
  • The main bad guy was named Hjaarn, which mirrors (pun intended) the monster in  Stenfalk’s campfire story (p145).
  • Jen thinks Triptych of Mirrors was one of the worst works of V.M Straka (p145).
  • S asks Maelstrom if Sola, Samar, and Szalome are all the same woman. Eric notes that this may be a reference to Triptych of Mirrors and comments on the Island of Threefolds mentioned in Coriolis (p269).
  • It was a flop (p182).
  • Marginalia discussing the book’s financial woes and its likely contributions by MacInnes happen to occur on the same page that VMS focuses on the three fingers affected by touching the Black Vine substance – index, middle ring. It also mentions that S is dealing with pain in three toes (p182).
  • Jen writes in the marginalia regarding Guthrie MacInnes: Vainest, Guy, Ever right after referencing Triptych of Mirrors. Eric replies Holder of Biggest. Grudge. Ever (p182).

The Spotted Cat

  • This is the first work whose translation is attributed to FXC. The prior six are attributed to Lewis Looper. (EOTVOSWHEEL.com and xi)
  • The setting of The Spotted Cat is Nazca, Peru and involves the famous Nazca Lines (4). It also appears to have been written by someone with extensive pirate knowledge (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).
  • Eric struggles with the relevance of Fn6, p55, regarding the priest’s monologue in Part IV.
  • Jennifer Heyward was reading The Spotted Cat in the Pronghorn Java when she “spotted” Moody and Ilsa (p90).
  • Though there are no known pages from this book on a Santorini Man in the first or second waves (the first 19), there is a page on the first of what may be the third wave – p145-146 (or p233-234) of the Japanese edition in October, 2011 in Barcelona, Spain (EOTVOSWHEEL.com). 

A Hundred Aprils in Amritsar

  • Sindu Signh may have collaborated with Straka on this work. (365,378)
  • It deals with the massacare of 1919 in Colonial India.
  • A torn page was found on a second-wave (the 18th) Santorini Man showing pp 109-110 in Dickson, Russia in February, 1974.

The Viper’s Humor

  • A torn page showing p9-10 from the Spanish Edition was found on the 11th Santorini Man in October, 1948, in Udupi, India (EOTVOSWHEEL.com).
  • Chapter 26 closely mirrors the scene in Ship of Theseus as S tries to decide what to do about poisoning the wine and thinks to himself Can it possibly matter what one man wants? Read this interesting commentary for more.

(more to come on the rest)

A big thanks to @anabramsfan for helping me compile all this information.